Für die Version 5.3 von Trian3DBuilder ist ein Update auf Version 5.3.2 verfügbar. Service & Support Kunden können das Update einfach per Hilfe -> Search for Updates im Trian3DBuilder herunterladen.
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Release Notes for Trian3DBuilder v5.3.2 ========================================== * inactive and invisible vector groups are unloaded from memory * smoothing angle for shading of terrain geometry * added "heading" to text exporter * reduce triangle artefacts near tile border * [fix] removed LOD switch for externals with LOD switches in model * [fix] Round Earth projection with add tile matrix * [fix] OpenFlight export issues * [fix] map tree selection and performance optimization * [fix] paged LOD radius * [fix] VBS Export: road generation attributes * [fix] openflight normal assignment and support indexed uv coordinates * [fix] multi threading issue in object placement * [fix] rectangular areas * [fix] roads planar heights from wizard * [fix] quaternion calculation in TXTExporter * [fix] Edit Vec Data with Missing ID * [fix] lightpoint positions in geocentric * [fix] view data after import in 2Dview * [fix] Import Table FACC cancel * [fix] inverted landcover colors * [fix] change projection from geocentric to UTM and back * [fix] change projection to UTM with no origin * [fix] preview sensor mode * [fix] multi threading object placement in geocentric * [fix] reproject elevation several times * [fix] vector height for dummy profile insert modstack * [fix] misc.